We’ve had a few requests from facilities that operate both a casino and a golf course for some tee marker concepts that incorporate a casino feel. Here are a couple design ideas, a large dice and a playing card. The large dice could have a course’s logo incorporated into one face of the die, and the playing card shown here has Circling Raven’s (a great local course and casino) logo.
Here’s a new bag stand design that uses some twisted steel. The twisted steel is very heavy and durable and is a great look for reasonably priced range accessories.
We use what we call “fishscale” (a process of grinding and polishing) on aluminum all the time. For this Barrington leather point of sale display we tried fishscaling some steel. It’s a more subtle look than on the aluminum, but I really like it.
Lastly, here’s a couple recent signs we’ve finished up for Malibu. The colored arrows against the natural rust looks pretty cool.