We’ve noticed the fad of the apple crates, but when we use them, we just got frustrated with the balls getting stuck in the crate.. And then we just dumped the balls out onto the grass and then went to hitting balls. This made the crew get to thinking,, there has to be a ball box that balls easily come out without getting stuck, right? What use is a box that balls get stuck in?
So we went to designing and came up with different baskets and boxes. Here’s my personal favorite, the half barrel ball basket. You can position it on its side for a casual look with balls overflowing the side like Verde River Golf & Social Club did, or keep it upright. When its upright, the player tips the basket towards them and scoops the balls out with his/her club and then let’s go letting the basket go back into position. These are priced usually between $160 to $175 depending on the final design & quantity. You’ll love these!!!
We also make the smooth version of this basket. Above is the barrel look, but with Troon North we went with a more modern look.
Another alternative to the applecrate is the ball boxes that we build that have a movable door. This ball crate has the option of a slanted ramp in the bottom or corner ‘bumps’ that prevent the balls from getting stuck..
We also make the ball corral since some clients rather have an open door…
And you could always go against the grain and come up with something completely custom with us like Aldarra did last summer with their silo ball dispensers… Let your creative flag fly!!