Today’s blog is a look at the driving range. We get questions about how metal will look against wood sometimes. Here’s an example of what it could look like if you already have wooden products, but want to introduce a more durable material that needs a lot less maintenance…
An extra thought is that if you find that you’re not in love with the wooden applecrates; we have a solution. The ball crates that we make are easier to get balls out and are easier to use as well as maintain. Here’s a couple examples:
While we’re on the subject of ball boxes, we also make half-barrel ball baskets like on this example.
You can lay the baskets on their sides or have them upright. Here’s a look at a couple of driving range setups:
First, is Verde River’s range. They lay their baskets on their sides. The bottom of the baskets have ‘feet’, which make it easy to keep on their sides.
Players can scoop out balls with their club by tilting the basket towards them at Big Canoe. The baskets are tilted easily with one’s foot.
Thanks for reading today’s blog on the driving range!