Been a little while since I’ve posted some of the projects we’ve been working on, I’ve been busy getting our new brochure put together and our new stock item online store up and running…
First up are these tee markers that we did for Ball State University. These were a lot of fun and turned out great!
Next were a bunch of different Proximity Markers and KP signs (or Tee Announcements, whatever you want to call them :) )
Darien CC:
The Cliffs:
And some great new ones (including the new-style closest to the pin Proximity Marker) for Ocean Reef Club
We had a request for a “shadow box” type presentation for a hole in one award. There were places for the lucky ball, the scorecard, and a photo…
Some trophies for the Tumble Creek Cup:
New Tee Markers for Shorehaven…
Some replacement signs to go on the tee signs at Quintero out of polished Stainless Steel – will look great for a long time!
And finally new Tee Monument signs for Southern Dunes, which is owned by the Ak-Chin nation of Native Americans. Each sign contains the yardage to the hole from the tee box and other information, but then also the Ak-Chin name for the hole, as well as a translation into English. These signs were a lot of fun! They then took each of these signs and mounted them on custom brick/masonry walls and planter beds that they added at each hole. I’m sure they look amazing.
I guess that’s everything for now. There’s a lot of new stuff in progress that I hope we’ll get at least one more post up yet this year!