We have been very busy since the PGA Merchandise Show. Here is a sampling of what we have produced here at RHI HQ’s. I’ll post more soon.
Trophies/Plaques: 1. Ladies’ Tournament Trophy. This was created for Pelican Marsh’s “Crystal Pelican.” 2.&3. Hanging Perpetual Plaque that has large name plates that you can see from most places of the club’s bar. This is a unique way of designing and displaying a perpetual plaque.
Range Accessories: 1-3. Range Sign with an Amenities Box attached to it for Winter Haven. It is sturdy, yet easy to move. 4. Par 3 Sign with Ball Box attached.
On-Course & Shop Fixtures: 1. Sand & Seed Rack for Winter Haven. 2. Custom Sales Rack with the course’s logo on top (Shooting Star).
Custom Boxes: 1.&2.Scorecard Box for Nantucket. 3.&4. Tournament Box for Forest Highlands.
Proximity Markers: 1. “KP” Proximity Marker for Suacan Valley. 2. Standard Proximity Marker for Wild Dunes. 3. Proximity Marker for Nantucket.
A-Frame Tee Announcements: 1. ‘Longest Drive’ Tee Announcement. 2. Tee Announcement for Suacan Valley.