We have been tournament central here at RHI with trophies and proximity markers for the North’s courses. Come Fall and it will be the South.
- The Haven CC did our standard trophy for their flight winners and an extra detailed trophy for their overall winners.
- Here’s Old Hawthorn’s re-order of cowboy trophies.
3. Instead of doing plaques, we mixed it up and did a trophy for Kissing Camels.
4. Tuxedo Club did different themed trophies with us for their summer events while still having their text & logo placement consistent. 5. For Boulder Ridge we did 2 of their summer event trophies, but made each look completely different.
6. Then there’s the rat and light house trophies for Rhode Island CC. It’s a fun way of highlighting their logo.
7. Re-Order for Spanish Oaks.
8. Rogue Media did a completely different look than they did for their Ghost Tree Invitational. It’s polished instead of rustic. This is a great example of how you can use RHI for every event but make each trophy look unique.
9. Next, is Victory Ranch. They used this style for their Family Golf Day and their Club Championship.
10. Sword trophies are just fun & that’s what we did for Champions Run.
11. With this one we used Oakwood’s logo leaf and stood it up. We bent the leaf to give it a look of blowing in the wind, too.
12. It’s pig roast trophies for LedgeRock!
13. Why not give plaques for some of your events? Here’s what The Cliffs and Spencer G&CC did to get your creative mind going.
Proximity Markers increase speed of play and give a professional look to your tournaments. Here’s a handful that we’ve done lately.