What do your players need on-hand while on the range? We began a decade ago with a basic no-tray bag stand, and then it evolved. Our clients (you) have developed our stands into a unit that meets the players’ changing needs. If you browse our website, you’ll see that a lot of the trays are a little bit different. Some have 2 cup holders, others have 1 cup holder and 1 spot for a range finer, or holes for alignment rods, etc. It’s limitless, really. Just let us know what works for your players and we’ll create a custom-made bag stand.
Last week we worked with Rolling Hills CC in Hills Estates, California. Their super sent us their range finder so that we could custom fit it in their stands during production. We designed the stand so that the range finder could be attached to it, which avoids the issue of any ‘walking away’..
Here’s the custom tray that we built awhile back for The Madison Club (Discovery course). They had us drill holes for alignment rods behind the compartment for it, while The Cliffs had us create a box solely for their range finder. Everyone is so different, which makes life interesting here at RHI.
Ending question: What kind of tray works best for your range?
Browse www.rhigolf/bagstands