The RHI Crew will build your Amenities Cart just how you want; these are fully customizable. Below are 2 of the 3 carts that Iron Horse is getting.
Custom Range Accessories & Tee Markers: 1. Range Dividers for Rhode Island CC. 2. Teaching A-Frame Signs for Rhode Island CC. 3. Range Clock A-Frame Sign for Hillcrest. 4. Custom Tee Marker for the Philadelphia PGA Section. These travel easily and look great!
Tournament Prizes are something special for your winners to hold onto and to remember your tournament by. Gailardia CC has replica swords for their Match Play Tournament and replica guns for their Member-Member trophies. The last photo is a golf charity trophy for the event called, “Mulligans for Maggie.” It’s a special event that raises funds for children who have heart defects that require surgery.